Daniel & Clare LaFond

A commitment to advocate

Daniel J. LaFond (MSW ’68) and his wife, Clare, are committed to supporting students at the School of Social Work.

UW School of Social WorkIn keeping with the couple’s commitment to advocate for society’s economically disadvantaged, underrepresented and marginalized members, the LaFonds have created two endowments. The Daniel J. & Clare LaFond Endowed Fellowship and the Daniel J. & Clare LaFond Distinguished Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship support students who are in financial need, honorably discharged veterans, ex-felons or recovering addicts. The first fellowship was awarded in 2016.

In addition to their endowments, the LaFonds’ philanthropic efforts have extended to other planned-giving vehicles. They have set up two charitable remainder unitrusts, included the University of Washington in their estate plans and made the UW a beneficiary of Daniel’s retirement funds.

Daniel LaFond grew up in Olympia in a family of 12, and he served as a chaplain’s yeoman in the Navy Reserve after high school. After earning a master’s degree from the School of Social Work, he counseled prisoners, served as a caseworker for Child Protective Services, was appointed chair of the Social/Human Services Program at Bellevue College and led BC’s Human Development and Counseling Center until his retirement.